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Zhongang Cai   蔡中昂

Hi there! I'm a Senior Research Scientist at SenseTime Research. My responsibility includes building systems and algorithms that perceive, reconstruct and generate humans. I received my Ph.D. from MMLab@NTU, advised by Prof. Ziwei Liu and Prof. Chen Change Loy, where I spent wonderful years exploring monocular motion capture for virtual humans.

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[2024-07] WHAC and Large Motion Model are accepted to ECCV 2024.

[2024-06] I have defended my Ph.D. thesis Scaling Up Parametric Human Recovery! 🎓

[2024-04] Invited talk (slides) at China3DV 2024.

[2024-02] Digital Life Project, AiOS, GaussianEditor, and AttriHuman-3D are accepted to CVPR 2024.

[2024-02] Invited talk on SMPLer-X (recording) at International Digital Economy Academy (IDEA).

[2023-09] Story-to-Motion is accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Technical Communications.

[2023-09] SMPLer-X is accepted to NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks Track.

[2023-09] RoboSMPLX and FineMoGen are accepted to NeurIPS 2023.

[2023-08] HuMMan is selected for the PREMIA Best Student Paper Awards.

[2023-07] SynBody, ReMoDiffuse, Zolly (Oral), and DNA-Rendering are accepted to ICCV 2023.

[2023-04] BiBench is accepted to ICML 2023.

[2023-04] VRCNet++ is accepted to TPAMI 2023.

[2023-01] Invited talk (slides) at MPI.

[2023-01] Release of HuMMan v1.0: Reconstruction Subset.

[2022-10] We are organizing ECCV 2022 SenseHuman Workshop.

[2022-09] HMR Benchmarks is accepted to NeurIPS (Datasets and Benchmarks Track) 2022.

[2022-08] Invited talk on HuMMan (slides) at ECCV'22中国预会议.

[2022-07] HuMMan (Oral) and MeshInversion are accepted to ECCV 2022.

[2022-05] AvatarCLIP is accepted to SIGGRAPH 2022 (journal-track).

[2022-04] Selected as Highlighted Reviewer at ICLR 2022.

[2022-03] HCMoCo (Oral), ViT OOD, and PTTR are accepted to CVPR 2022 .

[2021-12] We have released MMHuman3D: 3D Human Parametric Model Toolbox and Benchmark

[2021-09] Selected as Outstanding Reviewer at ICCV 2021.

[2021-07] We are hosting MVP Challenge.

My Three Favorite Works [Full List]

Digital Life Project: Autonomous 3D Characters with Social Intelligence

Zhongang Cai*, Jianping Jiang*, Zhongfei Qing*, Xinying Guo*, Mingyuan Zhang*, Zhengyu Lin, Haiyi Mei, Chen Wei, Ruisi Wang, Wanqi Yin, Xiangyu Fan, Han Du, Liang Pan, Peng Gao, Zhitao Yang, Yang Gao, Jiaqi Li, Tianxiang Ren, Yukun Wei, Xiaogang Wang, Chen Change Loy, Lei Yang, Ziwei Liu.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024

Project Page PDF Code Video 机器之心

SMPLer-X: Scaling Up Expressive Human Pose and Shape Estimation

Zhongang Cai*, Wanqi Yin*, Ailing Zeng, Chen Wei, Qingping Sun, Yanjun Wang, Hui En Pang, Haiyi Mei, Mingyuan Zhang, Lei Zhang, Chen Change Loy, Lei Yang, Ziwei Liu.
NeurIPS (Datasets and Benchmarks Track), 2023

Project Page PDF Code Video Demo

HuMMan: Multi-Modal 4D Human Dataset for Versatile Sensing and Modeling

Zhongang Cai*, Daxuan Ren*, Ailing Zeng*, Zhengyu Lin*, Tao Yu*, Wenjia Wang*, Xiangyu Fan, Yang Gao, Yifan Yu, Liang Pan, Fangzhou Hong, Mingyuan Zhang, Chen Change Loy, Lei Yang, Ziwei Liu.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022 (Oral)

Project Page PDF Code Data Video